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American Legion Riders Post 310

Gun Barrel City, TX

Honor Ride for a Fellow Veteran

Cold temperture kills battery.
Pushing didn't start bike...

...but a truck & jumper cables did.

Dale's Urn carried by Cannonball

ALR arrives at Trinidad Cemetary

Dale's family and friends gather.

Papa John & Carlos display flag.

Cannonball reads meaning of 13 folds.
ALR presents flag & salutes family.
ALR Flag Presentation

ALR honors deceased veteran.

Presenting flag in remembrance of his service.

Ceremonial folding of the flag.

Tribute to Veteran's family.
Wreaths Across America

ALR at Eubank Memorial Park.
US Army guest speaker.

Wreaths honoring military services.
Pipes for the fallen.
Taps during memorial service.
Handing out wreaths.

ALR out to place wreaths on veterans graves.

Bolt honors a veteran's grave.
ALR Christmas Party

Christmas Gifts for Vets

Lone Star Rally Galveston, TX

Ride to Mineola, Texas

ALR Post 310 links up with ALR Post 12 Tyler, Texas

Trikes & Bikes

ALR Honor Ride Seven Points, Texas

Venturesome V-rods

Cannonball's 1st Place Ride Mabank, Tx

TC88 time bomb Cam Chain Tensioner

ALR 310 deuce and a half truck
ALR 310 deuce advertisement mission
ALR Post 310 rides "Run For The Wall" annual ride to Washington DC to pay tribute to military service members lost in the Vietnam War.

Mission Complete
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